Monday, June 24, 2013

The Birth Story

I wanted to write this down before I totally forgot all of the details! So here it is, the birth story:

I went to the doctors at 39 weeks and he told me that I was dilated to a 3 and 100% effaced, he told me that if I wanted we could set an induction date. He told me he was available on either Tuesday or Thursday (it was Monday). I got really excited, but i was too scared to pick Tuesday so i told him Thursday the 16th would be ideal so i could have time to clean the house and prepare myself! Thursday rolled around a heck of a lot sooner than I thought, but i was so ready and so excited to meet my little boy! The doctor wanted us at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. Once we arrived at the hospital, we checked in and got situated into our luxurious hospital room (seriously it was huge and super nice). The nurse came in, started my IV and got me situated. She then checked me for dilation, I was dilated to a 4 now and she asked if I wanted the epidural right away. I told her the sooner the better! She then started me on pitocin around 6:30 and then called the anesthesiologist in to give me an epidural. I felt some contractions before I got the epidural, but it was a piece of cake, I was lucky to get the epidural so quickly! And the epidural did not hurt one bit, I actually liked it, it was SUPER cool to feel cold medicine going down your entire back!

About 2 hours later around 8:30 I called the nurse in because I was feeling pressure and told her I thought I needed to push. Her exact words were, "There is no way you are ready, it is way too soon." She checked me and sure enough I was dilated to a 10! She then said, "Ok, yeah, you're right, this baby is coming, I need to go call the doctor and tell him." She ran out of the room and when she returned she told me that there is a slight problem, my doctor just went to perform a surgery (a D&C) and would not be able to deliver my baby for an hour! The nurse told me that she was going to turn off my pitocin, give me more drugs (epidural medicine) and that I needed to try and not push for another hour until the doctor could come in. It was so hard to try and not push, but more medicine definitely helped! My doctor finally arrived around 9:45 and I began pushing! after about 3 sets of pushes the doctor had to perform an episiotomy and cut me from hole to hole (sorry TMI). Once he cut me it only took a few more pushes and my sweet baby boy was finally here at 10:11am weighing 7lb 12oz 22 in long. I was so ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy! The doctor then began stitching me up, once he finished he realized that I had a tear on the inside and he then had to try and stitch that up (lets just say I was getting stitched for a full hour after labor). I can honestly say I have never been more tired in my entire life after pushing but everything was worth it in the end to hold my sweet baby boy for the first time, words cannot describe how amazing that felt! It was so amazing to watch Alex hold him for the first time and to see the love he had for Ryker made me fall in love with him all over again!  Ryker is such an amazing blessing in our lives and we are so grateful that he made us parents!

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